Prénoms garçon anglais commençant par M finissant par S aléatoires

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Permalink : Marcus


Signification et histoire de Marcus

Roman praenomen, Or given name, which was probably derived from the name of the Roman god Mars. Famous Roman bearers of this name were Marcus Tullius Cicero (known simply as Cicero), a 1st-century BC statesman and orator, Marcus Antonius (known as Marc Antony), a 1st-century BC politician, and Marcus Aurèle, a notable 2nd-century emperor. This was also the name of a pope of the 4th century. This spelling has occasionally been used in the English-speaking world, though the traditional English form Marc has been more common.

Utilisation Langues dans lesquelles Marcus est utilisé.

(cliquez sur le bouton pour écouter sa prononciation)

  • La Bible (prononcé MAR-kuws)
  • danois
  • anglais (prononcé MAHR-kəs)
  • L'Antiquité
  • norvégien
  • suédois (prononcé MAR-kuys)

Marcus dans d'autres langues

Variantes de Marcus

Version féminine du Marcus

Popularité de Marcus