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Permalink : Linus


Signification et histoire de Linus

From the Greek name Λινος (Linos) meaning "flax". In Greek legend He was the son of the god Apollo, who accidentally killed him in a contest. Another son of Apollo by this name was the music teacher of Herakles. The name was also borne by the second pope, serving after Saint Peter in the 1st century. In modern times it was the name of a character in Charles Schulz's comic strip 'Peanuts'.

Utilisation Langues dans lesquelles Linus est utilisé.

(cliquez sur le bouton pour écouter sa prononciation)

  • danois
  • allemand (prononcé LEE-nuws)
  • Grec ancien (écrit Λινος)
  • Mythologie
  • norvégien
  • suédois (prononcé LEE-nuys)

Linus dans d'autres langues

Variantes de Linus

Popularité de Linus