Mots anglais commençant par T finissant par S aléatoires

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Signification de transports.

  1. An act of transporting; conveyance.
    The transport of goods is not included in the price given on the website.
  2. The state of being transported by emotion; rapture.
  3. A vehicle used to transport (passengers, mail, freight, troops etc.)
  4. A tractor-trailer.
  5. The system of transporting passengers, etc. in a particular region; the vehicles used in such a system.
    The local transport received a big boost as part of the mayor's infrastructural plans.
  6. A device that moves recording tape across the read/write heads of a tape recorder or video recorder etc.
  7. A deported convict.
  1. To carry or bear from one place to another; to remove; to convey.
    to transport goods; to transport troops
  2. To deport to a penal colony.
  3. To move (someone) to strong emotion; to carry away.
    Music transports the soul.

Informations sur transports.

  • La forme singulière de transports est : transport.

Découpage de transports en syllabes


  • Il se compose de 2 syllabes et de 10 lettres.
  • transports est un mot de bisyllabique, puisqu'il a deux syllabes .

transports synonyms

Avec le sens de :

conveyance, ferry, moving, relocation, shifting, shipping, deportee, exile, expatriate, rapture, convey, move, relocate, shift, ship, banish, deport, extradite, enrapture