Mots anglais commençant par L finissant par H aléatoires

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Signification de Leach.

  1. A quantity of wood ashes, through which water passes, and thus imbibes the alkali.
  2. A tub or vat for leaching ashes, bark, etc.
  3. A jelly-like sweetmeat popular in the fifteenth century.
    1670 Hannah Woolley The Queen-like Closet, Or, Rich Cabinet https// "To make Leach and to colour it"
  1. An aquatic blood-sucking annelid of class Hirudinea, especially Hirudo medicinalis.
  2. A person who derives profit from others in a parasitic fashion.
  3. A glass tube designed for drawing blood from damaged tissue by means of a vacuum.
  1. A physician.
  2. (Heathenry) A healer.
  1. The vertical edge of a square sail.
  2. The aft edge of a triangular sail.
  1. To purge a soluble matter out of something by the action of a percolating fluid.
    Heavy rainfall can leach out minerals important for plant growth from the soil.
  2. To part with soluble constituents by percolation.

Découpage de Leach en syllabes


  • Il se compose de 1 syllabes et de 5 lettres.
  • Leach est un mot de monosyllabique, puisqu'il a une seule syllabe.

Leach synonyms

Avec le sens de leaching :


Avec le sens de percolate :


Avec le sens de strip :


Avec le sens de :

bloodsucker, parasite, sponger, vampire, healer, barber, doctor, physician