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Signification de archaism.

  1. a thing that is very old or old-fashioned, especially an archaic word or style of language or art.
    conscious archaisms inspired by French harpsichord music

mid 17th century: from modern Latin archaismus, from Greek arkhaismos, from arkhaizein ‘imitate archaic styles’, from arkhaios ‘ancient’, from arkhē ‘beginning’.

Informations sur archaism.

  • C'est un nom.
  • The plural form of archaism is: archaisms.

Découpage de archaism en syllabes


  • Il se compose de 2 syllabes et de 8 lettres.
  • archaism est un mot de bisyllabique, puisqu'il a deux syllabes .

archaism synonyms

Avec le sens de archaicism :


Traduction de archaism