
Meaning of fingerprint


an impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, able to be used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern of whorls and lines on the fingertips.

  1. record the fingerprints of.
    I was booked, fingerprinted, and locked up for the night

Information about fingerprint

  • The plural form of fingerprint is: fingerprints.
  • Languages ​​in which fingerprint is used:

    (Press the button to hear it)

Hyphenation of fingerprint


  • It consists of 3 syllables and 11 chars.
  • fingerprint is a word trisyllabic because it has three syllables

fingerprint synonyms

Meaning fingermark:


Translation of fingerprint

Words that rhyme with fingerprint

noverint, grint, forint, Comprint, Sprint, blackprint, blueprint, bootprint, brownprint, comprint, deprint, emprint, enprint, ferroprint, footprint, handprint, heelprint, hoofprint, iPrint, imprint, lithoprint, microprint, misprint, misreprint, nailprint, newsprint, nonprint, offprint, outsprint, overprint, photolithoprint, photoprint, pieprint, preprint, primprint, print, reimprint, reprint, soleprint, sprint, surprint, thumbprint, transprint, underprint, unprint, voiceprint, woodprint

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