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Signification de Thug.

  1. Someone with an intimidating and unseemly appearance and mannerisms, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire.
  2. One of a band of assassins formerly active in northern India who worshipped Kali and offered their victims to her.
  3. In gardening, an over-vigorous plant that spreads and dominates the flowerbed.
  4. A punk; a hoodlum; a hooligan.


To commit acts of thuggery, to live the life of a thug, or to dress and act in a manner reminiscent of someone who does.

Informations sur Thug.

  • The plural form of Thug is: Thugs.

Découpage de Thug en syllabes


  • Il se compose de 1 syllabes et de 4 lettres.
  • Thug est un mot de monosyllabique, puisqu'il a une seule syllabe.

Thug synonyms

Avec le sens de hood :

hood, hoodlum, goon, punk, tough, toughie