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Signification de Esq.



  1. a polite title appended to a man's name when no other title is used, typically in the address of a letter or other documents.
    J. C. Pearson Esquire
  2. a young nobleman who, in training for knighthood, acted as an attendant to a knight.

late Middle English: from Old French esquier, from Latin scutarius ‘shield-bearer’, from scutum ‘shield’; compare with squire. esquire (sense 2 of the noun) was the original denotation, esquire (sense 1 of the noun) being at first a courtesy title given to such a person.

Découpage de Esq en syllabes


  • Il se compose de 1 syllabes et de 3 lettres.
  • Esq est un mot de monosyllabique, puisqu'il a une seule syllabe.

Esq synonyms

Avec le sens de Esquire :
