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Bedeutung von Jacobite.


a supporter of the deposed James II and his descendants in their claim to the British throne after the Revolution of 1688. Drawing most of their support from Catholic clans of the Scottish Highlands, Jacobites made attempts to regain the throne in 1689–90, 1715, 1719, and 1745–6, finally being defeated at the Battle of Culloden.

  1. relating to or denoting supporters of the deposed James II and his descendants in their claim to the British throne after the Revolution of 1688.
    the Jacobite rebellion

from Latin Jacobus ‘James’ (see Jacobean) + -ite1.


a member of the Syrian Orthodox Church (Monophysite).

early 15th century: from medieval Latin Jacobita, from the name of Jacobus Baradaeus, a 6th-century Syrian monk.

Informationen über Jacobite.

Silbentrennung von Jacobite in Silben


  • Es besteht aus 3 Silben und 8 Buchstaben.
  • Jacobite ist ein Wort von dreisilbig, da es drei Silben hat