Wörter Englisch beginnend mit B und endend mit Z. zufällig

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Bedeutung von buzz.

  1. A continuous, humming noise, as of bees; a confused murmur, as of general conversation in low tones.
  2. A whisper.
  3. The audible friction of voice consonants.
  4. A rush or feeling of energy or excitement; a feeling of slight intoxication.
    Still feeling the buzz from the coffee, he pushed through the last of the homework.
  5. A telephone call or e-mail.
  6. Major topic of conversation; widespread rumor; information spread behind the scenes.
  1. To make a low, continuous, humming or sibilant sound, like that made by bees with their wings.
  2. To show a high level of activity and haste (alluding to the common simile "busy as a bee"). Often in the colloquial imperative "Buzz off!"
  3. To whisper; to communicate, as tales, in an undertone; to spread, as a report, by whispers or secretly.
  4. To talk to incessantly or confidentially in a low humming voice.
  5. To fly at high speed and at a very low altitude over a specified area, as to make a surprise pass.
  6. To cut the hair in a close-cropped military style, or buzzcut.
  7. To drink to the bottom.
  8. To communicate with (a person) by means of a buzzer.

Silbentrennung von buzz in Silben


  • Es besteht aus 1 Silben und 4 Buchstaben.
  • buzz ist ein Wort von einsilbig, da es einzelne Silbe hat

Synonyme für buzz

Mit der Bedeutung von bombilation:

bombilation, bombination

Mit der Bedeutung von bombinate:

bombinate, bombilate

Mit der Bedeutung von hum:

hum, seethe

Übersetzung von buzz