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Bedeutung von voiceovers.

plural noun
  1. a piece of narration in a film or broadcast, not accompanied by an image of the speaker.
    the budget is summarized in a voice-over at the end of the news
    the coordination of live voice-over, music, and slides
    voice-over dialogue
verb, 3rd person present
  1. narrate (spoken material) for a film or broadcast as a voice-over.
    we had to voice-over some passages of dialogue
    the commercials are voice-overed

Informationen über voiceovers.

  • Die Singularform von voiceovers ist: voiceover.

Silbentrennung von voiceovers in Silben


  • Es besteht aus 1 Silben und 10 Buchstaben.
  • voiceovers ist ein Wort von einsilbig, da es einzelne Silbe hat