Wörter Englisch beginnend mit L und endend mit R. zufällig

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Bedeutung von Labor.

  1. Effort expended on a particular task; toil, work.
  2. That which requires hard work for its accomplishment; that which demands effort.
  3. Workers in general; the working class, the workforce; sometimes specifically the labour movement, organised labour.
  4. A political party or force aiming or claiming to represent the interests of labour.
  5. The act of a mother giving birth.
  6. The time period during which a mother gives birth.
  7. The pitching or tossing of a vessel which results in the straining of timbers and rigging.
  8. An old measure of land area in Mexico and Texas, approximately 177 acres.
  1. To toil, to work.
  2. To belabour, to emphasise or expand upon (a point in a debate, etc).
    I think we've all got the idea. There's no need to labour the point.
  3. To be oppressed with difficulties or disease; to do one's work under conditions which make it especially hard or wearisome; to move slowly, as against opposition, or under a burden.
  4. To suffer the pangs of childbirth.
  5. To pitch or roll heavily, as a ship in a turbulent sea.

Informationen über Labor.

  • Die Pluralform von Labor ist Labors.

Silbentrennung von Labor in Silben


  • Es besteht aus 2 Silben und 5 Buchstaben.
  • Labor ist ein Wort von zweisilbig, da es zwei Silben hat

Synonyme für Labor

Mit der Bedeutung von labour:

toil, proletariat, fag, travail, grind, drudge, dig, moil

Mit der Bedeutung von parturiency:

parturiency, confinement, travail, childbed

Mit der Bedeutung von undertaking:

undertaking, project, task

Mit der Bedeutung von tug:

tug, push, drive