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Permalink: Bridget


Bedeutung und Geschichte der Bridget

Anglicized form of the Irish name Brighid which means "exalted one". In Irish mythology this was the name of the goddess of fire, poetry and Wisdom, the daughter of the god Dagda. In the 5th century it was borne by Saint Brigid, the founder of a monastery at Kildare and a patron saint of Ireland. Because of the saint, the name was considered sacred in Ireland, and it did not come Into general use there until the 17th century. In the form Birgitta this name has been common in Scandinavia, made popular by the 14th-century Saint Birgitta of Sweden, patron saint of Europe.

Sprachen, in denen Bridget verwendet

(klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, um die Aussprache zu hören)

  • Englisch (ausgeprägt BRIJ-ət)
  • Irisch
  • Mythologie

Bridget in anderen Sprachen

Diminutive von Bridget

Varianten von Bridget

Popularität von Bridget